Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Battle Begins.... Officially.

We are heading to Buffalo to have the first consulation with Dr. Wong at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo on Wednesday, August 19.

We found out Dr. Wong is actually Canadian. Funny that Barry can't have this treatment in Canada, we have to go to the United States, and the doctor is from Canada. ha.

As the day approaches, we are both more nervous. Until now, we always spoke of Barry's treatment in the future tense. Well, now we're approaching the future and its going to happen. Its somewhat easier to things are going to happen "down the road" than to say its going to happen on a specific date.

Scary as it is for us, we know that its a means to the end of this cancer! Barry is still strong in his belief that this treatment will work, and that he is "Lucky 7" in the 10% that find success with this treatment. He has never faultered from this mindset, and I love him for that! His positive attitude does give me strength, because if he is going through this and has this great attitude, I owe it to him to share his outlook.

Be prepared reading this that there will be mushy content. I am emotional and wear my heart on my sleeve. I will try to give warnings for those faint at heart lol.

We haven't shared too much with Daniel thus far about the treatment that lies ahead. When Barry was in the hospital having most of his stomach (75%) removed, Daniel began not wanting me to leave him. I realize this is normal, but for him it is definately out of character. We are hoping to have him visit someone from hospice after we know more of what to expect from Barry's treatment. I think they might better know what to say to him on his terms and help him cope and be ok with all of this. There is no manual that Barry and I can read and follow to get Daniel through this. So Hospice can't hurt, and we both want Daniel to be ok... and to understand on his level that Barry being sick is a good thing!

Until next time...

Sara :)

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